this month visitors thanks for visiting the blogg
 i do not want to trouble among dough especially if you know whats the: charming, care, afection, love, amour, desire, amor, quiero, necesito, difference among these terms
 Dough knows whats better among Dough specially in a day like today  then i knew the suitable point among Dough comes with more than charity means you could expertize at the belonging seem not the manner to semble not only loyal till now .
I just had the experience on the acknowledge of ai letting me know pluses and perhaps someday ill have to  visit the country where youre not foreign at to set  it like country support... my back yard my senect heaven best sort of it i could be an admirer or even a humble lover try to integrate theres musica too ongaku and that theres takusan musicians by now if i kept the right family for a while then  ill be noticed ongaku musica musique not only. si tu veux parler tu guarde ma musique mais pas ma parole. Because ill lie.neglect even tesaurus to the resultant of science and love together within is made of sense of orientation astronomy gastronomic and morphic imagery  for  I. now that i know youre interested has to be on Dough underneath together. to make product brand new better.


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