
Mostrando entradas de 2021
 how many pleasant books at the age of 41 have i readen ? around 180,000 titles since age of 6 . pluses papers magazines abstracts fragmes in different languages and i try to interact to make culture
 books to read slowly -"Corto viaggio sentimentale" -"Visitare gl'infinfirmi" -"La Giara"  -"Donna Mimma" -"l'incendio di via keplero" -"L'adalgisa" -"Vino e pane" -"La luna e i falo" -"Cronaca familiare" -La especulazione edilizia". -boks to read a litle faster: -"Dubliners" -"The virgin and the gipsy." -"Young fellow and sex" -"The greatest show on earth". -"bliss and other stories" -"The third man" -"Trough the panama" -"lord of the flies" -"Manhathan transfer" -"The great gatsby" -"Knight gambit" -"Breakfast at tiffany's" -"The long march" -"Abel Sanchez". -"Tirano Banderas". -"Zalacain el aventurero". -"Maria fontan" -" El obispo leproso". -"Al filo del agua" -"La peste". -&q